Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gelombang

Gelombang laut dilirik menjadi alternatif baru sumber daya listrik. Grean Ocean Energy, lembaga peneliti laut asal Skotlandia, membuat penelitian untuk masalah itu. Mereka menghasilkan wave treader, alat pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang. Dalam uji cobanya mereka berhasil membuat pembangkit dengan kapasitas 500 Kw.

Wave treader punya dua lengan, silinder sistem hidrolik sebagai pusat dan tiang menjulang dengan baling-baling di ujungnya. Pergerakan ombak akan membuat lengan-lengannya bergerak naik dan turun. Bagian yang disebut aft sponson akan menerima pergerakan itu dan meneruskannya ke silinder sistem hidrolik.

Dalam silinder, gerakan tersebut memberikan tekanan di fluida hidrolik. Tekanan itu diperhalus dan disampaikan ke hidrolik akumulator. Dari situ barulah energi gelombang tersebut menggerakkan motor yang akan menggerakkan generator penghasil alat listrik. Listrik yang dihasilkan itu kemudian disalurkan melalui kabel dengan terlebih dulu dibagi oleh turbin baling-baling.

Listrik yang bisa diproduksi lumayan besar. Satu unit wave treader mampu menghasilkan minimal 500 kW. Energi listrik sebesar itu mampu mencukupi kebutuhan 125 rumah. Alat tersebut didesain mampu mengatasi terjangan ombak selama 25 tahun saja dan lima tahun tambahan jika benar-benar dirawat. Rencananya, alat itu dipasarkan pada 2010.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Cara Baterai Bekerja

Baterai sebagai sumber energi alat-alat elektronik seperti jam dinding, laptop, radio, senter dan peralatan elektronik lainnya yang sangat akrab di telinga kita. Baterai yang ditemukan pada 1800 di Alessandro Volta. Baterai adalah kombinasi dua atau lebih sel elektrokimia yang dapat menghemat energi dan kemudian berubah menjadi energi listrik. Baterai juga disebut baterai primer, sedangkan baterai isi ulang baterai disebut sekunder.

Cara kerja baterai Baterai adalah mengubah energi kimia menjadi energi listrik. Baterai terdiri dari satu atau lebih voltaic sel (tergantung ukuran yang diinginkan misalnya tegangan baterai aki 6 Volt atau 12 Volt). Voltaic setiap sel terdiri dari dua setengah sel yang terhubung dalam seri oleh penghantar elektrolit. Satu setengah sel memiliki elektroda positif (katoda) yang hanya elektroda negatif (atoda).

Baterai dapat dari pengurangan dan reaksi oksidasi. Penurunan terjadi di katoda dan oksidasi terjadi di katoda. Elektroda tidak menyentuh dan tersambung dengan arus listrik elektrolit. Elektrolit dapat cair atau solid. Untuk informasi lebih detail pada baterai (dalam hal ini adalah baterai, baterai mobil / motor / mainan menggunakan cairan elektrolit), yang saya bawa dari iklanumum.

Baterai terdiri dari sel-sel di mana setiap sel memiliki tegangan dari 2 V, yang berarti mobil baterai dan baterai dengan motor tegangan dari 12 V 6 sel yang ditempatkan dalam seri (12 V = 6 x 2 V) sedangkan dengan tegangan baterai 6 V 3 sel yang telah terinstal di seri (6 x 3 V = 2 V). Volt Battery 12 Volt 6. Antara sel dengan sel lainnya dipisahkan oleh dinding partisi yang ada di dalam wadah baterai, yang berarti bahwa setiap sel di ruang karena tidak menyentuh cairan elektrolit di setiap sel yang tidak berhubungan (dinding pemisah antar sel tidak boleh ada yang bocor / rembesan).

Dalam urutan satu sel ada beberapa plat nomor plat nomor plat nomor ke positif tiang (antara plat dipisahkan oleh kayu, ebonit atau plastik, tergantung pada teknologi yang digunakan) dan beberapa plat negatif untuk tiang. Bahan aktif dari plat positif dari oksida timah coklat (PbO2), sedangkan bahan aktif dari plat negatif adalah timah (Pb) berpori (seperti bunga karang). Pelat-pelat tersebut terendam oleh cairan elektrolit asam sulfat (H2SO4).

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Memotong Dengan Air

Terbayang tidak oleh kita sebelumnya, memotong papan, logam, atau kaca dengan air? Teknologi memotong dengan air ini digunakan karena memiliki kelebihan seperti tidak menimbulkan panas, tanpa debu, dan tidak menyebabkan getaran.

Alat ini dinamakan dengan water jet cutting machine. Prinsip alat ini sangat sederhana tapi teknologinya lumayan jelimet (klik gambar dua kali untuk memperbesar).

Air murni dengan tekanan tinggi 55.000 psi dialirkan ke alat yang mirip sebuah jarum. Air yang berkecepatan tinggi ini mampu untuk membelah benda - benda yang lunak seperti plastik dan karet.

Untuk memotong benda - benda yang keras seperti logam, papan, dan kaca. Kedalam aliran air dimasukan bahan yang bersifat abrasif seperti garnet. Kecepatan aliran air yang digunakan untuk memotong kira - kira dua kali kecepatan suara.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Aiming tool looks like toys

The Draganflyer X6 Helicopter is not only a villainously stylish surveillance UAV; it also solves one of the things that troubles me the most about our national obsession with watching everthing. There is nothing that disturbs me more about the surveillance society than the idea that sweaty little men will be stuck in small rooms squinting at grainy low-resolution spy footage.

The Draganflyer has so much lift it can easily accommodate high definition cameras for surveillance. Now, sweaty little men can watch us going on about our (suspicious!) business on wide screen LCD TVs.

(Draganflyer X6 Helicopter)
Aimed at industrial and commercial use, it provides reconnaissance and inspection information using on-board wireless video and still cameras. The Draganflyer X6 helicopter is able to fly autonomously or can be flown manually by remote control. The Draganflyer X6 helicopter achieves its stability by using an on-board processor running more than ten thousand lines of code and receiving data from eleven on-board sensors (three gyros, three accelerometers, three magnetometers, one barometric pressure sensor, and one GPS receiver). It can be piloted by users with minimal or zero training.

The Draganflyer X6 helicopter can be put into GPS hold mode where it will maintain its position without any user input. This means that after activating GPS hold, the pilot can set the handheld controller on the ground while the Draganflyer X6 helicopter flies itself. This mode will allow the user to focus on other tasks such as aerial photography from the Draganflyer X6 helicopter.The overall impression of the Draganflyer X6 helicopter is very similar to Philip K. Dick's description of robot tracking devices in his 1960 novel Vulcan's Hammer.
On the chest of drawers something was perched. Something that gleamed, shiny metal, gleamed and clicked as it turned toward her. She saw into two glassy mechanical lenses, something with a tubelike body, the size of a child's bat, shot upward and swept toward her.(Read more about Dick's robot tracking device), I'm also reminded of the servo-optical stick-tight from Jack Vance's 1964 novel The Star King; from a technical standpoint, it's probably a closer match.

Electrically without cable

After this short momment, we don't need to worry about electrical cable. Because just a short time after this we can enjoy electrical things without cables any more.Because of the reseacher From MIT always continue to expand this metode .this electric without cables are called Witricity. The way of working just the same as the wireless Hot spot Internet.
The Metode that send the electric energy without cable isn't the new one.The draft that we expand by the researcher MIT is a thing that Nikola Tesla has Found it a Century ago.Unfortunately this imigrant of Serbia was die beafore reach her Idea.
Perhaps the using of this thing has discared because some people thing that this item isn't very efesient.Beacuse the electromagnetic energy that is used as the energy is reflecting to the all dirrection, not just one direction.If this electric without cable has aplicated as cormersil. absolutely it's safe our electric cables, that we are used.

The reseacher, Marin Slojacic, make this progress with the technic of Magnetic. With caring to the resonanse wave between the aiming tools and the electrically trough tools with the frequens. this electric energy become very efisient.

Soljaci and his teams has suceeded a 60 watt lamp with reflecting the electromagnetic wave with the length 2 metres. electromagnetic waves from the iron 60 cm wide.the energy that suceed is called wicTricit.that has efiseintion between 40 until 45 %.

"this is very surpprissing.the proses is easy we just go to the lab and do it every time we want or we Like," said Soljacic. the quality can be expand with his team can have the higher quality.
According to him, seukuran copper coil was still too large, if only for the laptop battery. Distance pancarnya can also be improved so that a minimum of energy sources can fill in all electronics equipment in a room.

He was sure the power cable without this safe for the human body and other living creatures. In addition, at the beginning of the experiment found the risk of disruption or damage to the various electronics equipment such as mobile phones or credit cards. However, further research needs to be done.

The first flying car with biofuel energy

Imagination as Films in the future with a car that can move in the air and at land always give children inspiration. Flying car with biofuel energy will begin the trip from London tomorrow ( 14/1). The Car named The Parajet Sky will go to the Timbuktu in Africa. This Flight will pass the Silent Sahara Dessert. the adventure Neil Laughton with the combination of the trip at land and air with the route that can't be reach by trip at land. Imagine we pass the gribaltar strait to the africa or we pass the dessert. The vehicle the laughton is used , it's the first car fly with biofuel. Car with 480 kg weight has machine 1000 cc and can run 180 km per jam at land.

Why Timbuktu? This adventure wanted to "reanimate" mitology Victoria's era that tell about the trip with flying vehicles for 6 weeks to Timbuktu. This crazy trip of ex-member of SAS, England's elite soldiers, it will attack 6400 km. The route through France, Spain, Maroco, across Sahara through Mauritania then Mali. Timbuktu is a city that located in Mali. The return route is through Senegal.

Laughton himself has ensure record. He had experiences hiking seven higher mountains in the world, and did the trip to North Pole. Besides testing bravery, Laughton also support fund for deed. His wishes would be collected more than 100.000 euro or more than Rp 1,5 billion for orphan house in Africa. For built that place, needed USD 380.000 or about Rp 4 billion.

Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

How does robot work?

Basically, a robot made mimic our body's systems such as:
In the framework of a structure on human robot. Muscle to the effort. Robots have aktuator to manipulate Panca indra to communication for the environment. Robots have censor Energi or food for body metabolism. Robots have a battery or the brain power to control the entire body system. Robot has a computer to control the entire system.

Robot has a computer to control the entire system. Robot consists of various components that can be movement similar effort on our bodies. To manipulate components to be used aktuator. Aktuator can be a motor, selenoid, hydraulic and pneumatic.

To this arous aktuator required resources. To light batteries for motor, hydraulic pump for arous and wind for manipulated pneumatic. Aktuator connect to the electrical circuit. Circuits connected to the motor or selenoid. Motor selenoid and will manage the movement of the hydraulic system or pneumatic way valve to manipulate the system.

Example: A robot manipulate hands aktuator installed with the hydraulic system. To manipulate to hand over the electrical circuits will send a signal to the motor or selenoid to open the valve that will robot arm. The valve opens fluida that will encourage which has piston pressure in actuator and manipulate arms upwards.

All the above in the control by the computer that functions as the brain of the robot. Usually, each computer can be re-programmed, so the user can set the various movements of a robot with a new way to enter the new program to the computer.